29 mar 2006 i just got my blue tang on sunday. Sunday, she was fine, no problems. Monday, she seemed to have ich, but now that's gone away. Yesterday when i came home from work,. Known for its brilliant blue coloration, accented by a yellow tail and a unique black 'palette' design on its body, this species is a favorite in both public aquariums and home setups.
They will generally live peacefully with corals, shrimp, clams, crabs and other reef invertebrates. 29 may 2021 i have just recently set up a new tank a month ago. I have a small blue tang that had a hole in original rock structure in old tank. I transferred that big structure to new tank and. Meet the blue tang, the electric blue fish that stole the show in finding nemo but there's more to this ocean star than its striking appearance. As a key player in coral reef ecosystems, blue.
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